Your offices and classrooms may look a bit different these days. We spoke with a university recently that shared that their financial aid and registrar offices can go days seeing only one or two students when they would normally see a steady stream. Many corporate offices remain closed to employees except for pre-approved activities..
How is your organization responding to the demand for more and better online services?
Over the past 18 months, many of our clients have been using their GT eForms software within their PeopleSoft applications to tackle the many challenges thrown their way with innovative solutions:
- Grand Rapids Community College created an interactive questionnaire-style eForm to enable employees to submit requests to return to work…safely.
- Prologis extended their eForms outside the firewall to enable Supplier self-service transactions.
- Hennepin County, Minnesota is pushing the envelope with new eForms to enable external self-service for their residents to conduct business with the County without having to come into a County office. The eForms are integrated with PeopleSoft eBilling and the County’s third-party payment processor to automate the process from end-to-end.
- Illinois Central College created 88 new Financial Aid eForms in just 4 months for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 aid years, including parent access and approvals, automatic checklist updates, and integration with ImageNow for attached documents.
- The University of Wisconsin System’s HR Department is using eForms to enable employees to report COVID vaccinations.
- UW-Madison’s Financial Aid Office empowered students to apply for HEERF-II emergency funds through an intelligent, interactive eForm they created and launched in less than a week. Read more about UW-Madison’s achievements here. Or, watch this excerpt of their session at the Alliance 2021 Conference.
- Princeton University’s Office of the Registrar quickly created a suite of Fluid eForms to enable their students to request emergency shelter over the summer, emergency residency and housing preferences for the fall term, and leaves of absence.
- The University of South Carolina’s Benefits Team developed 2 new eForms in just 2 days (!) to allow employees to request two new COVID-related benefits: Emergency Sick Leave and Emergency FMLA.
- Palomar College is just getting started with GT eForms but already has a Class Cancellation form in production; Sabbatical Leave Application and Requisite Clearance Request forms in process; and used available grant funds to extend online services with 10 more eForm prototypes: Independent Contractor, Warrant Replacement, Travel Request, Travel Claim, Adjunct Time Reporting, Notice of Separation, Out of Classification Request, Position Authorization, Short Term Employment Action, and Hourly Employment.
Looking for ways to extend and enhance PeopleSoft self-service for employees, managers, students, and external users? Give us a call at 801-434-7260 or email