Hennepin County, MN Licenses GT eForms™ to Automate PeopleSoft HR and Finance Processes

MINNEAPOLIS, MN – Gideon Taylor is pleased to announce that Hennepin County, MN recently licensed GT eForms™ to automate HR and finance processes within PeopleSoft. The County has enlisted Gideon Taylor consultants to begin the analysis and design of their first three targeted forms to (1) request approval to use a personal vehicle and expense parking for business use; (2) change or cancel participation in the personally-owned mobile device program; and (3) request or update a stipend for a personally-owned smartphone.

These first three forms that the County has identified for automation are relatively simple processes, and will be used largely as training opportunities for the County’s staff to understand how to efficiently and effectively use the GT eForms™ form builder within their PeopleSoft environments. Gideon Taylor consultants will create the first form for the County; work with the County’s team on creating the second form; and provide guidance on the third form as the County builds it themselves.

Four years after first being introduced to GT eForms™, the County finally decided to take the plunge and is looking forward to streamlining its processes and improving productivity with the new eForm solutions. “Hennepin County is excited to partner with GT to reduce our manual paper processes and increase our efficiency across our PeopleSoft environment,” commented Ray Hirte, PeopleSoft ERP Program Manager at Heppen County.

Once the initial forms are complete, the County will be using GT eForms™ to automate a variety of processes and forms, ranging from simple to complex, including personnel actions and security access requests.