Meet the new Gideon Taylor!

We’re excited to introduce the new Gideon Taylor to you! 

 In the past three years, we’ve added Newbury Enterprise Services, an established PeopleSoft Managed Services consultancy and IntraSee, an innovative enterprise AI digital assistant (chatbot) and WebUX software company, to our GT family. With over two decades of experience developing GT eForms, these acquisitions further establish Gideon Taylor as the leader in business process automation.  

Now that we and our clients have had time to bring the strengths and the offerings of these three great companies together, we are retiring the names IntraSee and Newbury Enterprise Services, and will provide all our services directly through the Gideon Taylor brand. 

What we do: AI, UX, RPA, eForms, Hosting, Sys Admin, PeopleSoft, Oracle Cloud, and Managed Services. 

New indeed! 

Working closely with our design partner, KOR Creative, we crafted our new logo and brand identity to inspire ourselves and to convey to others our aspiration to be visionary, relatable, and genuine.

Visionary: We think differently about each of our client’s important solution development initiatives. Each project is much more than “just another job” to us. As one client recently shared, “Gideon Taylor is the new gold standard for us. We now make sure that the vendors we choose match the kind of experience that we’ve had working with GT.” 

Relatable: Delivering a great solution that users like AND use is an absolute. But we also want to build relationships that span multiple projects over many years. This happens only when there is real connection, validated trust, and consistent value. We believe you deserve the highest quality and a partner that really listens. 

Genuine: This leads us to the third aspiration that influenced our new logo and branding: Authenticity. We hope you will come to believe we are what we say we are. That happens one step at a time. It’s not for us to say we’re “genuine.” Only you get to decide if this is true. 

In addition to our new logo and other branding changes, stay tuned for other exciting updates, including: 

  • An all-new, much improved website 
  • New product videos 
  • A new booth experience at industry conferences 
  • New learning resources (webinars, case studies, training, etc.) 
  • Much, much more! 

This is the new Gideon Taylor. Let’s do this!