In August 2015, Harvard went live with my.harvard, an expansive self-service portal for students, faculty, advisors, and the general public. The system takes advantage of the core functionality of Oracle’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, but leverages the power of integrated search and modern web styling to create a first-class user experience. Attend this session to learn how Harvard partnered with IntraSee and leveraged PeopleSoft Interaction Hub and Secure Enterprise Search to create a superior user experience that is distinctly branded for Harvard and yet 100% PeopleSoft! In the first half of the session, we will demonstrate the intuitive user experience and how we have combined search, delivered self-service, and new features together to make life easier for students and faculty. In the second half of the session, we will prove an overview of how we utilize Agile software development practices to integrate user feedback and deliver ongoing iterations of the service.